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Course Details
Course Title:Responding to Mass Violence and Terrorism
Start Date:03/20/2014
End Date:03/20/2014
Course Time:8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Course Number:520-14-05
Course Location: This course will be held at the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, Patrol Squad Room Entrance (far south side), 2621 Southeast Hawthorne Road, Gainesville, Florida 32640.
Course Description:
This training will provide an overview of the various agency and community responses to mass violence and terrorism, examining the impact on victims, criminal justice professionals and the community. There will be discussion regarding the consequences of mass criminal victimization, including legal, financial, emotional and psychological impacts, the impact of media on victims of mass violence and the justice system response.

Krista R. Flannigan, College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Florida State University