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Course Details
Course Title:Basic CPTED
*Sponsored by the City of Indianapolis
Start Date:03/02/2020
End Date:03/06/2020
Course Time:8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Course Number:157-20-04
Course Location: This course will be held at the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Law Enforcement Training Academy , 901 N. Post Road, Indianapolis, Indiana  46219
Course Description:
During the five-day (40-hour) course, participants focus on basic CPTED concepts of proper design and effective use of the physical environment to achieve a more productive use of space and a reduction in crime. Students learn architectural and planning terms and definitions, techniques used to analyze the potential for crime, how to identify relationships and conflicts that exist between crime and the environment, and the application of CPTED strategies in neighborhoods, schools and other sites. Emphasis is placed on documented case studies and specific CPTED applications in commercial, transportation, and public housing settings. Participants are instructed in how to read construction blueprints and schematic diagrams; how to communicate with planning, engineering, and construction personnel; and in making recommendations to city, county and state agencies.

*This course is one of two courses necessary for the Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner designation.

For questions about the training please contact: Deborah L. Law, City of Indianapolis Prosecutor's Office, 317.327.5439 or at Deborah.Law@indy.gov