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Course Details
Course Title:The Legal Rights of Child Abuse Victims
Start Date:08/01/2014
End Date:08/01/2014
Course Time:8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Course Number:520-14-22
Course Location: This course will be held at the Florida Public Safety Institute, Conference Center, 75 College Drive, Havana, Florida 32333.
Course Description:
This training is designed for child advocates, law enforcement personnel, criminal justice professionals, child protection teams, child advocacy centers, guardians ad litem, and all other individuals that provide front-line services to abused children. Topics include: new Florida laws and court decisions that protect children; the Jessica Lunsford, Jimmy Ryce and Rilya Wilson Acts; children in court; the legal line between abuse and parental discipline; stalking; and domestic violence injunctions for children. Advocates will become aware of what they can do to minimize the stress on children as they go through the criminal justice process.

Jay Howell, Esquire